Our Vision - Grace seeks to be a visible sign of God’s love in this world!
Grace - A Church for all People!
The Churches of the South East Nassau Deanery
FEBRUARY YOUNG AT HEART SENIOR CLUB – The next Grace Church Young at Heart will be held on Thursday, February 20th at 12:00 noon featuring Nassau County Clerk Maureen O'Connell speaking on "Protecting Seniors from Scams."
Grace Rector Elected to Serve on Committee to Oversee the Election of the New Episcopal Bishop - (More)
Grace Church Thrifty Boutique - Open Sat and Tues. 11:00 - 3:00- Visit the Thrifty Boutique in January. "BRRRRR it's cold outside...sale on coats and boots." Plenty of free parking, Located on the first floor of the Floyd Jones House….Large White House on west side of the parking lot of Grace Church, 23 Cedar Shore Drive, Massapequa , NY (corner of Merrick Rd. and Cedar Shore Drive)
Grace Church 180th Annual Parish Meeting - (More)
What's Happening at Grace Church - February
Feb. 18 - Tuesday - Thrifty Boutique - 11:00 - 3:00pm - Stay Warm -- boots and coats half price. Special Valentines Sale - Up to two items of your choosing - half price
Feb. 19 – Wednesday Morning Prayer, 9:15am -Grace Chapel – A morning prayer led by layman Richard Wolf followed by coffee and conversation in the Coffee House. All Welcome!
Feb. 19 – Wednesday “Coffee at Grace” at Grace Coffee House; opens 9:00am until 12:00 noon
Feb. 19 - Wednesday “Take a Break at Grace” Weekly Parish Dinner 6:00 pm in Coffee House followed by Christian Meditation with Deacon Bob White; all Parishioners invited; Call the office to make a reservation!
Feb. 20 –Thursday- Young at Heart senior club – 12:00 noon- Parish Hall, luncheon and program; Guest speaker . Nassau County Clerk Maureen O’Connell –“Protecting Senior Citizens.”
Feb 20– Thursday – “Closing Out the Day” - 7:30pm - discussions, sharing, and prayers with Fr. Walter, William Brennan, Lay Eucharistic Minister, Vestry Member ON ZOOM, Click on:
Feb. 22– Saturday - Thrifty Boutique - 11:00 - 3:00pm - Stay Warm -- boots and coats half price. Special Valentines Sale - Up to two items of your choosing - half price
Feb. 23– Sunday at Grace - Mass with Fr. Walter Hillebrand – 8:00 am & 10:00 am - Communion, Readings, Choir, Live Music, Prayers, and Preaching; Coffee, Snacks and Conversation after each service in the Grace Coffee House.
10:00 am - live-streamed link - https://vimeo.com/event/286891
9:00 am Adult Forum in person Family Room and on Zoom; discussions, sharing, and prayers with William Brennan, Lay Eucharistic Minister, Vestry Member. Link:
9:45 am – Christian Education for children, “Godly Play” in the Undercroft.
Jonah the Backward Prophet - Lynn Savin; Camille Olson, Christian Ed director, LEM and Vestry member; Carol Ann Brancato, assistant director, LEM
5:00 pm – “Open Mic” social – Grace Coffee House –– Snacks, entertainment; tickets $10.00 see Ken Cynar
John Caracappa, and Richard Csajko presented with the Rector’s Cross; Ken Cynar named Warden Emeritus during 180th Annual Meeting.