Welcome Message from The Very Rev. Dr. Walter V. Hillebrand, Rector

The LORD has done great things for us; We are glad.
Beloved Church,
Here we are in our completing our 179th year of service to God and the greater Massapequa community. It was a great privilege to celebrate the birthday of our church together in with my faith community in 2019. For over 175 years, men and women of all ages, backgrounds, races, and social classes have contributed and made this possible.
I am reminded of Grace Church's History almost every day. When I walk out from the rectory driveway, turning to the left, one can see Old Grace Church. What a jewel she is, beautifully standing there, radiating God's holiness and somewhat even holding time hostage. If you read our story you know that a lot of effort went into building this church offering a real community church here in the Massapequas.
We are the fortunate and blessed generation who have received this precious gift from God. Not only have we received a new and authentic Holy space, awesomely created, and faithfully built but even more so we received the gift of a faith community that is equally blessed with God's gifts and His love.
Sometimes we forget how privileged we are. Generations of Christians were persecuted and some still are. We do not have this challenges. However, we do have new challenges to overcome.
New generations and old traditions regularly clash and often create moments of desperation. How will we handle the need for more spirituality and less institutionalized church. How will we overcome the challenge of a new generation that looks for comfort rather than for traditions coming from the 15th century and earlier? How will we continue to be the Church in a World where the Church is often seen as outdated and obsolete? Are you up for that challenge?
The answer is YES, we must be! We have to be up to take on these challenges and more to come. The first Christians overcame persecution giving their lives for God and their faith community. Now it's up to us to make some sacrifices.
With God's help and your full support we will begin this new area of Grace Church working towards meeting the new needs of people living today while keeping our Episcopal/Anglican tradition alive for generations to come.
May God bless you and instill in you the courage to continue your labor in God's vineyard.
Fr. Walter+
The Very Rev. Dr. Walter V. Hillebrand
12th Rector of Grace Church / Head of School
Dean of South East Nassau Deanery