Grace Coffee House
Located in the Narthex (Church lower level), the Grace Coffee House provides freashing ground and brewed coffee, tea, and hot chocolate, water and juices along with bagels and other treats after Sunday and special Church services. In addition it is currently open Wednesday after Morning Prayer 9:00 - till 12:00 noon and Wednesday evenings for the weekly "take a Break at Grace" Parish dinner. The Coffee House is the social center of the Grace Church family where parishioners, church friends and community members can meet and enagege in refreashments and conversation, hold meetings, and attend various classes. It also hosts the Church sponsorerd Girl Scout Troop and is made available to local community groups for meetings.
Cemetery Committee
The Committee overseas the operations of Grace Church Cemetery, an active graveyard of 475 plots, situated on the north side of Merrick Road. The annual cost of maintaining the cemetery grounds is covered by an endowment that restricts both the income and principal for the perpetual care of the cemetery. There are quarterly committee meetings and volunteers must have an interest in caring for the property and in enhancing its financial growth. Contact: Bill Brennan: 631/691-8665 or Richard Csajko at 516/799-5347.
Communications Committee
Manages the Grace Church Web site and assists in publicizing church activities and Church community events. Services local news papers with news releases and photographs regarding Church functions. Contact through Parish Office: 516/798-1122 or Chairman, Ken Cynar 516/797-8849, Ernest Isip (photographer): 516/385-4855.
Meets weekly on Sunday's or Monday's to count offerings from services and to prepare them for deposit. Volunteers contact the Parish Office: 516/798-1122.
Christian Education
Sunday School - Adult and Sunday School; Volunteers needed to teach or assist with children or adults; instruction includes Communion and Confirmation preparation. See Youth Center Section Contact Camille Olsen (Children): 516/798-1122; Contact Bill Brennan (Adult): 631/691-8665
"Young at Heart" Seniors Club
An "Inspired by Grace" project, "Young at Heart" meets at 12:00 noon on the Third Thursday of the month from September to May in the Parish Hall. It is a time for seniors to socialize, chat and share a free lunch. Programs can include music, games, lectures and other entertainment. The progam is open to parishioners and other seniors in the greater Massapequa community. For more nformation contact: Pat Adams (516) 799-4837 or Ellen Ritter (516) 735-0092.
Grace Productions Committee
The unit is responsible for the maintenance and operations of the Church's internal and external audio visual network. The goal is two fold; enhance the Church services through television imagery, picturers, graphics and additional music within the Grace campus and to live stream Church services and events (weddings, meetings and funeerals on the World Wide Web. Now in its sixth year. the committee provided a vital service during the pandemic years and continued to provide text and imagery to Church services to parishioners and the larger Christian community.. Interfested in learning about the system or working on the committee? Contact the director Paul Lento at 516/798-1122.
Property Brothers and Sisters
Skilled in carpentry, plumbing or landscaping and have time on your hands; join the Property Brothers and Sisters and help maintain the Parish infrastructure. The committee tackles small projects and assists in contracts for larger jobs. To join, contact Richard Csajko at 516/799-5347..
Our Parish operates on faith, but the property requires adequate funding for utilities, maintenance, supplies, professional salaries etc. The Stewardship committee�s duties focus on educating, informing and contacting parishioners on the funding needs to operate the Parish. Addressing the congregation during Sunday services, engaging members during our coffee hours and providing Parish budget details are all part of the committee�s activities. To join the committee efforts, volunteers can contact the Parish Office: 516/798-1122
The Thrifty Boutique
A long tradition at Grace Church, the Thrifty Boutique( formerly the Thrift Shop) is a source or clothing, pot n pans, bric-a-brac and small furniture for the greater Massapequa community. Maintained lovingly and efficiently by the Boutique committee, they welcome donations of slightly used items and clothing that is clean and in saleable condition. Hours of operation are generally Tuesdays and Saturdays from 11:00am to 3:00 pm. Donations can be brought directly to the Boutique during regular business hours. The Boutique has been newly located to the main floor of the Floyd Jones House south and west of the Church. For more information, contact the Church office at 516 798-1122.